From time to time, we'll add facts and trivia about the project.
This project was started quite a while ago by KungFuChicken! on OverClocked ReMix. It was Hedgehog Heaven that inspired him to take one of his favorite videogame soundtracks, and pay tribute to it in the form of an arrangement album. It had a rocky start, and after a series of epic battles, SnappleMan was asked to either stop insulting it, or try to do better, so he joined the project and the Project Chaos team was born.
With SnappleMan and KFC working together, the project began to grow in many directions. There were many twists and turns on the road to completion, but in the end it really added a level of character the whole project. We never lost sight of the music, and our dedication to pay only the best tribute to it. We feel that we've achieved something very special here, and we hope that everyone enjoys it as much as we do. |
SnappleMan: "I took this project on because I really wanted to make sure that Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles was done proper justice. At first I didn't take this project seriously, since it had just come out after Hedgehog Heaven, but after talking to KFC for a while I realised that he was serious, and he genuinely loved the soundtrack like I did. There was no way I could pass on the chance to have a part in this."
KungFuChicken!: "I started this project because, after listening to Hedgehog Heaven, I was struck with nostalgia as I remembered the brilliance of Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles as a game and a musical breakthrough. I simply had to get together musicians who can extract the greatest possible feeling they could out every song. I met Snapple along the line (who happened to be one of the coolest people ever and a great friend) and he shared the same ambition of making this project. With hard work, here is the fruits of our labor. Enjoy!"